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GlobalG.A.P. Certification

Get GlobalG.A.P. expertise with ML3 Technical

Starting out as EurepGAP standard in the late 1990s, following a number of food scandals, European supermarkets had to find ways to minimise their exposure to further food scares within their supply chains.

Since 2007, the European GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) scheme has gone global, becoming GlobalG.A.P. which is a basic requirement for supplying agricultural products to European customers and increasingly in the UK (through Tesco’s recent Nurture Module).

Certification of crops

The GlobalG.A.P. scheme certifies crops is based on a modular framework that operates at 3 levels for each crop:

  • All Farm Base Module: Is the basic requirements that a producer needs to comply with first to achieve certification.
  • Scope Module: Sets out the criteria for the crop scope and defines Control Point Compliance Criteria (CPCC) which set the expectations for specific crops as well as each of the stages of food production and the supply chain itself.
  • Tesco Nurture Module: An additional module designed specifically for suppliers into Tesco’s.

A grower wishing to bring join GlobalG.A.P. and bring their produce to the market will need to first of all meet the criteria of the All farm Base module, the criteria for the crop growing scope and the specific Fruit & Vegetables CPCC that apply to the produce they grow.

GlobalG.A.P. support from ML3 Technical

ML3 Technical has worked extensively with root crop and herb growers, building up an easy to use portfolio of documents that can be adapted to meet the needs of your business.

We take the standard and look at the questions the auditor will ask, and then work out the easiest way for a grower to show compliance. As everything is based around the standard and your business it should be a way to a stress-free audit.

By using a document that has already been tried and tested by other growers to successfully pass audits, if offers you an easier way to comply with the increasing demands of the GlobalG.A.P. Standard.

Contact us for more information on how we can help you and your farm to make life easier whilst complying with the GlobalG.A.P. Standard.

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